Hey guys!
We've got some awesome news! We had our meeting with Dee Hood, Sheryl Haler, Tim Rumage and Mark Ormond today, and the outcome was the most positive, they were excited and very interested in the whole project. We agreed on a few projects, and some of them will start right next week.
Jen Awe will help us with most of the campus activities and she's by far one of the most supportive of our group, so hurray for that! We're very lucky to have such amazing staff supporting us.
Here are a few things going on and coming up,
- 24-26th of September (Friday-Sunday): Submissions of T-shirt Designs. I know is a very short amount of time, but that's really all we've got. Here are a few key words to set up the theme for this: green|thinking|10:10|Ringling|environment|awareness|sustainable|future|students|eco|art|education|nature
- 26th of September (Sunday), 8pm @ Outtakes: T-Shirt Design Election. We have to choose the design by Sunday so we can order them Monday, in time to get them by the week of the event and sell them for fundraising and all.
- 27-30th of September (Monday-Thursday): Recycling Materials Collection. We'll have bins at the New Academic Building to collect Paper, Plastic and Metal objects to use on one of our instalation pieces (a 10.10.10 Mobile) and we'll also use it on workshops the following week.
- 1st-3rd of October: 10.10.10 Mobile Assemblage. This is one of our major ways of advertising the event, it is going to be hanging from the second floor at the new academic building to call everyone's attention to the event.
Yes, we're running against time, so we need people with hands on right away on the T-shirt designs.
We'll send you guys more dates and events notices as the week goes by, so keep an eye on your in-boxes.
Hope to see you all in our next meeting at the Outtakes, this Sunday, 8pm.
Green Cheers!